How much playing time will my son receive?

Every player is required to play at least four downs.

How are coaches chosen?

All persons that would like to be considered for head coaching responsibilities fill out an application which is reviewed by the board. Next the candidates are interviewed individually.  Head coaches choose their own assistant coaches.  All of the coaching staff go through an official background check.

Are practices cancelled due to rain?

Practices are only cancelled due to lightening and not just rain. According to IHSA rules once lightening is seen the players are moved to the inside of the concession stand. 20 minutes must pass from the last lightening strike for the players to be able to take the field again. If lightening continues parents will need to pick up their children.

How do we find out about other cancellations?

Watch FaceBook at:

Parent liaisons will also contact you.

Why do we sell JFL cards?

The profits each year from their sales are from between $10,000 to $15,000. By far it is the biggest fundraiser for the program. As an example, with these funds we bought new uniforms in 2013. At this age we want the boys to take responsibility for some of their activities. Fees would be substantially higher without it.

What are parent liaisons responsibilities?

Please remember parent liaisons are VOLUNTEERS.

Parents with coaching concerns/issues voice them to the parent liasons to be brought to the board and coaches attention. Thus they serve as a go between.  They inform parents of scheduling changes.  All communication throughout the seasons goes through them.  Scheduling volunteers to work games.

What do we do if we just move to town and want to get involved?

Contact the Charleston Parks and Recreation Department 345-6897

If my child is ill do I need to let the coach know if he can’t be at practice or a game?

A text to your parent liaison is sufficient. They can communicate to the coach.

What equipment do we need to buy?

The only required purchase is football cleats. They must be rubber tipped. Additionally coaches may ask for you to purchase a specific type of sock.

How are players chosen for each position?

The coaches work with the players to select the best position for them. If the position the player chooses doesn’t work out for them, then the coaches will select other opportunities that may be a better fit.

If I see that my child is sitting at practice how do I find out the reason?

First of all, please do not attempt to discuss with your child or the coaching staff during practice. Discuss with your child after practice and if you are not satisfied with their answer, take the issue to your parent liaison and they will work with the coaching staff to get you more information.

Can my child play middle school baseball and football at the same time?

Absolutely! The football coaches will work with the middle school baseball players to ensure they are up to date on anything they may miss during a game. There are no penalties from the JFL for participating in baseball and football. However, due to game/practice schedules, there may be JFL games that are missed.

What are some other equipment items that we can purchase for our child?

Helmet… Arm Pads… Rib pads… gloves… etc.

What are some of the volunteer opportunities for my family?

chain gang… tickets…. concessions….etc.